
Antibiotics for Our Children

Have you ever asked your doctor if they could just prescribe antibiotics to your child and they told you they couldn’t? This is because antibiotics could do more harm then good! This is because taking the wrong one or taking it too often can lead to a dramatic change or big buildup of bacteria that

Pink Eye

Has your child ever experienced pink eye or you were unsure whether its pink eye or not? Or how to go about treating it? In most cases, many people and parents have been in your position. Here are symptoms to look out for, causes, how to prevent if possible, and treatment.  Pink eye can be

Ear Infections

Ear Infections are pretty common and can happen at any given moment. Therefore, it is important to know how to go about it and how to treat it, as well as signs to look out for! Symptoms to look for: If diagnosed with an ear infection here are some treatments! Treatments Include: Seek medical attention