Antibiotics for Our Children

Have you ever asked your doctor if they could just prescribe antibiotics to your child and they told you they couldn’t? This is because antibiotics could do more harm then good! This is because taking the wrong one or taking it too often can lead to a dramatic change or big buildup of bacteria that antibiotics cannot work against.

Antibiotics only treat certain infections caused by bacteria– meaning they don’t treat viruses. They also, like other medications, have side effects.  

Side Effects Include: Rashes, Allergic Reactions, Nausea, Diarrhea, and Stomach Pain. Antibiotics would Kill off the good bacteria in your intestines!

Of course there are ways to use antibiotics safely so no harm is done! Some tips on how to use antibiotics safely are: 

1. Give the medicine exactly as it is directed

2. Don’t use one child’s antibiotic for a sibling or friend 

3. Keep antibiotics and other prescribed medicine in a secure place 

4. Dispose of leftover antibiotics and other prescription medicine; Many countries now have “take back” events to collect unused medicine