
What’s the Difference Between the Cold, Flu, and Sinus Infections?

When kids get sick, it can be hard to distinguish between common conditions like the cold, flu, and sinus infections. Each condition shares overlapping symptoms but requires different approaches to care, making things extra confusing. Understanding the distinctions can help you manage your child’s illness effectively and know when to seek medical attention. What Is

Baby Care Basics Part 1!

Welcome to a new series of Baby Care Basics. Where there will be a weekly post related to the basics of baby care from the beginning of when they’re born to when you’re taking them home and important things to look out for!  Today we’ll be sharing part one of the basics: in the hospital

Antibiotics for Our Children

Have you ever asked your doctor if they could just prescribe antibiotics to your child and they told you they couldn’t? This is because antibiotics could do more harm then good! This is because taking the wrong one or taking it too often can lead to a dramatic change or big buildup of bacteria that

Pink Eye

Has your child ever experienced pink eye or you were unsure whether its pink eye or not? Or how to go about treating it? In most cases, many people and parents have been in your position. Here are symptoms to look out for, causes, how to prevent if possible, and treatment.  Pink eye can be

Ear Infections

Ear Infections are pretty common and can happen at any given moment. Therefore, it is important to know how to go about it and how to treat it, as well as signs to look out for! Symptoms to look for: If diagnosed with an ear infection here are some treatments! Treatments Include: Seek medical attention

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. This virus can act like a common cold to some, but to others, especially infants, it can become severe.  RSV enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. It spreads easily through the air on infected respiratory droplets.  Symptoms Include: Ways to Relieve Symptoms:

Back To School & Personal Hygiene

As we approach the new school year here are just a few necessities you may want your children to have with them. As well as items you can use in your home to keep bacteria and germs from your surfaces. Items for your children to carry with them: You should try your best to wash

Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is commonly found in children, this virus causes sores in your mouth and a possible rash on your hands and feet. Common Symptoms Include: The rash usually clears up on its own within ten days. There are no prescribed ointments, however, you can ask for pain medication if you are

Seasonal Depression

Have you ever felt down in the winter and then uplifted all of a sudden the second summer is around the corner? The scientific name for that is SAD, or better known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is a type of depression that is related to changes in seasons and usually starts and ends around

Jellyfish Sting Protection

Have you ever been in the water and all of a sudden you get stung by a jellyfish and you are unsure of what to do next? Here are some tips and tricks to help remove the tentacles and reduce pain! Things you can do to help heal quicker: If the sting seems extreme or