Stress Management Pt.2

These are signs of too much stress:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Depression
  3. Insomnia
  4. Irritability
  5. Irregular performance/behavior at work or school
  6. Addiction
  7. Stomach aches/Reflux
  8. Current headaches/migraine
  9. Chest pain and discomfort
  10. Hives
  11. Joint pain 
  12. Hair loss 

The causes of Stress may be: 

  1. One environment: Whether at home, work, school, friends, or even in places of worship
  2. Stress levels could get worse by having arguments whether at school, with your boss or coworkers, peer pressure at school, bullying at school, or having a difficult time turning down a relationship with someone.
  3. Spending time around negative people
  4. Spending too much on social media 
  5. Dwelling on negativity and the past

Here are helpful tips to assist you:

  1. Regular light exercise
  2. 4-7-8 breathing method/meditation
  3. Start an agenda where you write down your day-to-day plan to keep you organized
  4. Surround yourself with people who are positive or at least aren’t consistently negative
  5. Manage your sleep schedule try to get an enough amount of sleep
  6. Listen to uplifting music